Making a compiler (ep 8) Naming unit tests, whatajoke
Naming methods is legit one of my biggest priorities in getting rhoight. However, when you mix TDD and my usual level of sleep dep, the names stack on with so many words it’s really unmuzzleable.
Like I cry blood when reading this, but I don’t have the energy to come up with a better name:
Oooo yea the main reason I logged into bloglr!; I just got if-else
statements working! And I’m fiddling around a little with some minor optimizations for like when the code block is empty and all that jazz.
I love this codebase. Most fun I’ve had with a single project ever. I have had no planning done aT ALL but I’ve lapped a distance. I’m jolly.
Lizzlio, spudvucks!
This post was originally posted (by me) here: https://itsa-me-jag.tumblr.com/post/172801870392/making-a-compiler-ep-8-naming-unit-tests